How We Do It

Risk Assessment


Discover, investigate and control risk and its factors via an advanced analytics solution


Assess and control your risk using data analytics.

Measurable risk is critical to making key business decisions. Many organizations assess risks based on past experience and gut feeling. It’s not surprising then that the results of this risk-taking are often subpar and are difficult to correct. Risk is one of the primary factors associated with businesses’ increased costs, timeline impact and compliance errors and it is therefore critical to measure and manage the risk appropriately.

With information residing in disparate sources and formats, it is hard for organizations to identify patterns, predict scenarios, gain historical insights and prioritize fine grained attributes.


Don’t take a risk.

Whether you’re looking to assess risks in insurance, healthcare claims, or finance, you need to measure, assess, score and sometimes control and manage an associated risk.

The Eccella Risk Assessment Analytics solution combines the power of data integration and advanced analytics to provide you with the means to not only discover and investigate risk, but also to act upon it. Our offering starts with addressing one of the biggest problems in risk assessment – bringing clean and reliable data in for analysis. Our solution helps you combine information from:

  • Publically available resources such as municipal crime data, national weather information, etc
  • Sensor and machine data information
  • Information you have stored in your internal systems and applications

and bring it into a centralized repository where it is cleaned, enhanced and mastered in preparation for analytics. Our advanced algorithms then help you identify, prioritize and rate risk factors so that you can build a risk score. The assessment process is governed by an adaptive mechanism that helps you improve risk identification and results through continued use.

At the front end of this solution lies a discovery and analysis tool that allows you to explore the data, risk factors, and if-else scenarios, visualize the results and distribute reports to key stakeholders.

This solution can integrate into your existing claim processing, insurance underwriting or other business critical solutions and applications that could benefit from risk factoring.


Read here about how we helped a global reinsurance company deliver a portfolio risk assessment solution to its customers.