Case Studies

Financial Services

Allied Solutions is one of the most respected providers of insurance and related products whose customized solutions help clients grow their business and more effectively manage risk.


Allied Solutions is one of the largest providers of insurance, lending, and marketing products to financial institutions in the country.  They partner with over 75% of the 200 largest credit unions in the U.S., providing various solutions including loan risk management. In order to help credit unions manage risk, Allied collects loan data from 1200+ lenders and integrates this data with its loan management software. Business analysts can then use this loan management software to perform various actions such as verifying insurance on loan collaterals.

However, Allied faces multiple data management and transformation challenges with its current solution.  As they collect loan data from so many different lenders, they’re forced to accommodate for disparate mappings to handle these files.  These mapping discrepancies, along with non-standardized data in multiple formats, results in the loading of inaccurate data which has increased their operational risk and created many customer service issues.  They find it very difficult to meet demanding SLAs with these challenges, so have brought on a disproportionately large support staff – many who are non-technical – to compensate.  Allied also relies on outdated software to handle this transformation process, requiring their non-technical staff to hand code transformations.


Allied Solutions and Eccella are working together to streamline the lender file processing solution by building one generic platform that is used to process every lender file. Robust error handling and data quality checks have been implemented to prevent bad data from being loaded to the final loan management application. Combining these checks with data quality transformations results in a level of data accuracy never before seen within the loan management system.  This data accuracy combined with a searchable event dashboard provides full visibility into all processing activity, facilitating expedited troubleshooting, compliance risk reduction, and a higher standard of customer service complaint handling.

With this new system, business analysts can spend more of their time onboarding new clients rather than on the operation of existing clients. Additionally, Eccella has built an acceleration tool that takes business requirements and creates plug-and-play business logic which saves thousands of hours of development time and further improves accuracy as it reduces the possibility for human errors. The result is a scalable, more robust, more performant processing solution that reduces overall operational risk and cost for Allied Solutions.


Standardized platform with robust data quality checks has led to increased data accuracy

Immediately seeing better data

Anticipated 50% reduction in Customer Service Issues

Support costs will go down as a result of streamlined solution

Replacing an unsupported solution will reduce operational risk

Solution is scalable without requiring large staff

Acceleration Tool will save between 18,000 to 30,000 hours of development